Our Communities, Our Votes, Our Time to Step Up Locally

The forces arrayed against US democracy right now can feel overwhelming. But those who believe in democracy vastly outnumber those who don’t. If you aren’t used to fighting for your right to vote: time to join us. And if you know just how hard it was to win the right to vote: we won’t go back again. Democracy in America isn’t over yet. In fact, it’s just getting started.

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Why Redistricting Matters (It's Not As Simple As You Think)

Redistricting happens every few years with changes in population, with reapportionment happening every ten years due to the census. We need to be very, very careful not to use methodologies to create ‘fair’ maps that are ahistorical and acontextual. Redistricting must take into account the intentional and politically driven undercounting of certain communities. And it should avoid a false equivalence between measures intended to address this and restore equity, and those that reinforce voter suppression and exclusion.

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Take Action for the Freedom to Vote Act

Next week, Diversity Matters is joining our partners in a Relay from West Virginia to Washington, DC, to fight for the Freedom to Vote Act. Even if you may not be able to participate in this relay in-person, you can still act to pass the Freedom to Vote Act by joining March On’s Virtual Relay Team to take online actions and help us defend democracy!

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March On:  What Did We Achieve?

…. we can’t give up and we can’t go back. One bright spot is that in the past month, Congressional Democrats have been busy building consensus around the new Freedom To Vote Act, to create national standards that will protect our communities who are now facing new state level assaults on their ability to vote. Just as we rose up to vote in record numbers in the midst of the pandemic last year, we now need to rise up to demand that our legislators pass the Freedom to Vote Act.

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Candidate Focus! Hoan Huynh for Congress

Hoan is an enthusiastic proponent of our Diversity Pipeline Pledge. In his own words: "In order for us to solve complex, multifaceted, and intersectional challenges of the 21st century, we must take a proactive approach in recruiting, hiring, and retaining diverse individuals within legislation, and I intend to continue amplifying diverse voices, push to increase individual participation in our voting process to ensure proper representation, and unabashedly fight for a more fair and just future for all Americans."

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Privilege at Work: Flipping the Script

President Biden highlights an explicit linkage between having diversity in government, and making policy that recognizes and addresses the needs of diverse communities. Yet this won’t happen automatically, and it won’t be easy. Even with the right guidance in place, workplace inclusion will require a different kind of leadership than we have ever seen in government. It won’t be enough just to bring diverse staff to the table. There are some hard steps leaders will need to take if we are to truly include their voices and perspectives.

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